
100 lines
2.8 KiB

}: let
buildInputs = [pkgs.wgautomesh];
options.services.wgautomesh.settings.ipv6 = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.bool;
default = true;
description = "Whether to use IPv6 or IPv4.";
prefix = "lyn";
# decrypt gossip secret
# change this to comply with you secret management
gossip_secret_path = config.sops.secrets."all/meshnetwork/gossip_secret".path;
# function to make a peerlist suitable for wgautomesh
buildPeerlist = version: hosts: let
#filter out hosts that have wg.enabled set to false
wgEnabledHosts = lib.filterAttrs (_: host: host.wg.enabled or false) hosts;
#filter out hosts that don't support IP{$version}
filteredHosts = lib.filterAttrs (_: host: host.${version} != null) wgEnabledHosts;
lib.mapAttrsToList (name: host: {
pubkey = host.wg.pubkey;
#if there is no public IP, make endpoint null so wgautomesh knows it unknown. Else format it to a SocketAddr
endpoint =
if host.${version}.public == ""
then null
else "${
if version == "IPv6"
then "[${host.${version}.public}]"
else host.${version}.public
}:${toString host.wg.port}";
address = host.${version}.internal;
# helper vars to prettify
meshnetwork = config.${prefix}.network;
currentHost = meshnetwork.hosts.${config.networking.hostName};
wireguardPort = currentHost.wg.port;
in {
opt = {
useIPv6 = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.bool;
description = "Whether to use IPv6. Defaults to true";
default = true;
enable_upnp = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.bool;
description = "Whether to allow the wireguard port in the gateway using UPnP IGD. Necessary on some firewalls, might spam unnecessary debug messages on environments without IGD gateways.";
default = false;
config = {
networking.firewall = {
allowedUDPPorts =
# UPnP broadcast responses
++ (
if cfg.enable_upnp
then [1900]
else []
networking.wireguard.interfaces.wg0 = {
ips =
if cfg.useIPv6
then ["${currentHost.IPv6.internal}/64"]
else ["${currentHost.IPv4.internal}/24"];
listenPort = wireguardPort;
privateKeyFile = "/var/lib/wireguard-keys/private";
mtu = 1280;
services.wgautomesh = {
enable = true;
settings = {
interface = "wg0";
peers =
if cfg.useIPv6
then buildPeerlist "IPv6" meshnetwork.hosts
else buildPeerlist "IPv4" meshnetwork.hosts;
upnp_forward_external_port = wireguardPort;
gossipSecretFile = gossip_secret_path;
logLevel = "trace";